Monday, April 17, 2017


During a recent trip to South Africa I managed to find some time to do quite a number of sketches and watercolors. Most of these were in my sketchbook but I have to say that after such an amazing trip, (during which I lost count of the number of photos I took), I think that I have enough reference now for a few years worth of work! So I'm sure a lot of these sketchbook studies will translate into larger oil or watercolor paintings at a later date. I also painted a few landscapes and will re-visit these when I have finished my current project.

Birds featured prominently although I did sketch and paint a few larger animals including elephant and hippo. We traveled around quite a bit visiting Kruger Park for a few days and also spent some time at Giants Castle (more about these trips later). Also a few shorter day-trips were undertaken and the bird count continued to rise - with a few welcome 'lifers' too.

Studies shown above - African Jacana and Lily Pads, watercolor; Southern (or Common) Fiscal (unfinished), watercolor; African Jacana study, graphite.


john said...

Great little watercolors Jeremy.
I would love to see more artwork, photos, and stories from your South Africa trip.

John Holmes said...

Nice-looking Jacana and Shrike! There's no shortage of material in South Africa - looking forward to more.

Jeremy Pearse said...

John, thanks, hope my next post will suffice! Still plenty of paintings to come from this trip.