Well here is my first post for 2012! I have been away for an extended holiday and unfortunately wasn't able to post from where I was staying. So I wanted to take this time to wish my followers and friends a very belated Happy New Year!
I have a lot to catch up on with much news and new paintings so here to start is an oil that I did last year. This one started out as more of a study than a finished painting as it developed from an idea that I had in my head so had to rely on my memory for most of the details. I wasn't sure if it would work out so at the beginning I started in quite roughly laying in the sky and lower clouds. When I could see that something close to my expectations was emerging, I slowed down and using more paint cleaned up the painting and added more detail. The work all stemmed from a short photography trip that I took with my friend Paco late last year. Looking at his beautiful and somewhat unusual photographs over the years, I have been inspired to try harder with my own photos. It was only when returning from the trip that I happened to look back and saw this view. I distinctly remember a deep vibrant red across the horizon with purplish clouds above. My camera's CF card was full so couldn't even take a photo of it and had to rely on my memory. I feel I did come close to what I saw in this work but may still do a little work on the foreground but I'm quite happy with the painting as it is. Size is 18" X 24".