Another study done in my sketchbook, this time looking South from Whistler peak. I love the feeling one gets when looking at the distant landscape. And viewing other mountains from where I stood looking across what seems like eons of space and time was truly exhilarating. It really didn't matter which direction you looked. Fortunately the weather was only slightly cool with a bit of overcast so we were lucky in that regard. This set the scene for some interesting skies along with cloud shadows and the occasional bursts of sunlight breaking through. Whistler was certainly one of the highlights of my trip and I'm eager to start working back in the studio creating some oil paintings from what I have seen and experienced.
Siberian Cranes (Grus leucogeranus) at Mai Po - 13th January 2025
A single juvenile bird in 2002 was HK's first, and an adult and juvenile in
Dec 2016 marked a second occurence. The juvenile disappeared after one day
1 day ago