Thursday, October 10, 2024



Walking across this beach was the culmination of another amazing morning spent in Costa Rica. We had set out from where we were staying an hour of so before walking slightly inland then turning and coming back towards the coast and following the tideline back towards our hotel. The walk was full of fascinating plants and birdlife, and I saw many species I hadn't seen before. Here at low tide, the beach was a contrast of bi-colored sand, rocks and verdant greenery all set out under a stunning blue sky - most of this I tried to capture in my painting. More and more, I seem to be creating a visual diary of my travels and this has been the inspiration behind my work. Size is 9 x 12 inches, oil on canvas board.

Saturday, October 5, 2024



I stood for some time watching how the light and shadow played out over the side of this mountain in Alaska. At times, the cloud cleared till I could see the peaks more clearly but I liked this look when they were more shrouded and the further ones draped in shadow. The water was a deep glacier blue of the shade I have only seen in Alaska or Canada - probably from the icemelt. I am still drawing heavily from the inspiring period I spent there and hope I am able to capture some of it in my paintings. This small oil on canvas is 8 x 10 inches.

Monday, September 30, 2024



I painted this scene looking upriver from a viewpoint next to the Rowing Club. The boats are launched from a floating dock which you can see just in front of the building. On this early morning, sunlight illuminates the water and far bank but the foreground is shaded by a large trees that trail over the river. I noticed sunlight filtering through the trees in spots onto the grass and this was an effect that I wanted to included in my painting.


Shown above was my initial block-in using thinned oil paint after finalizing the layout and details. I don't always start a painting this way but because of the full range of tones from dark to light in this scene, it helped me better decide how to proceed. Size of this one is 8 x 10 inches, oil on board.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024



Here at Sagres, Portugal, I was standing on the beach next to the fort which was above and behind me. I liked the way this headland stretched out into the bay but decided for this painting, to focus on the just the tip. A collapsed section had created this darker shadow which I found exciting against the sunlit areas of the almost sheer rock faces. On the extreme tip, two fisherman dropped long lines down into the sea and a few gull patrolled just offshore. Since this bay is secluded, the wave action was mild compared to the one on the other side of the fort which was very popular with surfers, even in winter. Size is 8 x 10, oil on board.

Saturday, September 21, 2024



While on board the ship, I managed to do a few paintings and studies during our trip to Alaska a few years ago, this painting came out of those studies. Mainly I was trying to capture some of the incredible beauty surrounding us and how small we felt next to some of the massive mountains we found along the way. In the painting, you may see some tiny trees which do give somewhat of a scale to the actual size of these ranges. As it was late in the season, there were only a few icebergs around but we often came across smaller clusters of ice floating near the shore. Soon, the winter snows and blizzards would come to this part of the world but for that day, we had perfect weather. A cool breeze but beautiful sunny skies - perfect for viewing vistas such as this. 8 x 10 inches, oil on board.

Monday, September 16, 2024



I found this feather when walking by the Christina river a little while ago. I pretty sure it is an osprey's feather, they are regularly seen flying by and diving for fish,  and their nest is not far away downriver. The resident pair used to use a nesting platform set up in the middle of the marsh but this year they opted to nest on the old railway bridge. A month or so ago, I did see three of them in the air at once so I suppose they have been at least partially successful but the area is also covered by a pair of Bald Eagles and they are know to predate Osprey chicks. Perhaps the people in the nearby education center know more about their breeding success, I'll have to ask the next time I'm down that way. Size of this watercolor is 12 x 9 inches.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024



Another painting done from our Portugal trip some years ago. I loved the colors of the cliffs and rocks found in this area and actually had to tone down their intensity somewhat. This was a quiet beach we spent some time on and I managed quite a few studies. On the opposite side was a narrow path heading up part of the cliff side which I tackled as it allowed some wonderful views across the water a little higher up than would otherwise be possible. I still have to do any paintings from that viewpoint though. This one is another 10 x 8 inch painting, oil on board.