Monday, August 12, 2024



I did this small oil study while visiting a wildlife refuge in NJ some time ago. At this point, I had driven out a long way and had parked up so that i could take a better look around. Here, I am looking back towards the coast which on this morning, looked very hazy and distant. Two Black Duck in flight added a little life to the scene. As I stood painting, a Northern Harrier drifted by followed by an Osprey or two. Sparrows called nearby - I think they were the rarer Seaside Sparrows but I never got a very clear look at them. Further out were a small flock of Brant Geese and across the water to my left, Green-winged Teal slept alongside a young Great-blue Heron and two Snowy Egrets. Greater Yellowlegs called from the shallows just behind me - their calls ever clear in the quiet solitude of the day. This painting is 8 x 10 inches, oil on board.

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