Tuesday, August 20, 2013


This scene looking across snowy fields is set at dawn in an area just north of where I live. I have often painted around Rachael Carson Park in Northern Montgomery County where there are a few farms surrounded by open fields dotted with the occasional woodlot. Clear and cold is how I remember the day, frozen snow crackling underfoot, no wind and a certain peaceful solitude that spoke deeply to me. Size is 12" x 14", oil on canvas.


Peter Brown said...

You do these so well Jeremy; the subject is subservient to the atmosphere you manage to capture so beautifully.

John said...

Love the atmosphere Jeremy. Just beautiful!

John Holmes said...

I can feel the cold in my toes just looking at this view...

Jeremy Pearse said...

Thanks so much for the comments Pete, John and John. Sorry for the late reply - see latest post for details........