Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Quite a few glazes of color were required to bring the painting to its finished state. I mostly used Raw Sienna and Yellow Ochre for these with a little Burnt Sienna for the decaying branch. I slightly deepened the small areas of green and worked a little on the pomegranate. It also got a cast shadow across the middle which helped define the form. Some of the darker shadow areas were also worked on, trying all the while to get an overall feeling of uniformity. Within the leaves is a feeling of depth, light and shade, and I tried hard to keep the painting bright without resorting to any gouache.


john said...

A very appealing composition. I love the warm tones of this painting, and I feel the urge to pick the pomegranate up and eat it.

Wood With Strings said...

This is a beauty, Jeremy. All those leaves - what dedication!

John Holmes said...

Well worth the effort put in - the leaf detail makes the picture...

Jeremy Pearse said...

Thanks for the comments guys, much appreciated!