I did this drawing a while ago but still remember how wonderful it was sitting in front of this magnificent falcon. I enjoy drawing but for me it has always been a means to an end. That is, I realize how important accurate drawing is, but seldom feel satisfied with a black and white image. I almost always have to continue on and get to the painting stage - and that is where my struggles usually start. Still it is what I do so I have no complaints there, And I'm very thankful that even now after all this time I get the chance to draw and paint every day, Gyrfalcon Studies, graphite on Arches paper, 22" x 15". Sold.
I love gyrfalcons so much!!! These drawings are very well done and I too share the "drawing for the purpose of painting." I draw in my sketchpads but these generally aren't finished products. I love seeing your drawings and I hope you'll share more!
A magnificent-looking creature. Those raptors have "charisma" in buckets, especially as depicted here.
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