Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Another in the series of falcon paintings that I have been working on lately. I was fortunate to see this bird at a falconers meet some time ago so did a few sketches and studies of the bird right there and then. I followed this up most recently with a graphite drawing head study last month then painted this one in pure watercolor on smooth Arches watercolor paper. As usual I started with the eye then slowly built up the tones and details using thin washes of color.
I would have loved to have seen this bird after it had moulted into its adult plumage of pure white with black markings (which are mostly concentrated on the back, wings and tail). One day I hope to do studies and paintings of adult white-phase gyrfalcons but for now will have to be happy with this one. Size is 14" X 11".


Peter Brown said...

Superb work Jeremy!

Noushka said...

Absolutely gorgeous work!
This bird seems so lively it might just fly out of the screen!
I am truly amazed!

Jeremy Pearse said...

Thanks Peter, really appreciate the comment!

Jeremy Pearse said...

Noushka, thanks so much! Glad you visited - cheers to you too.