Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I saw this young Bald eagle at a wildlife art exhibition that I took part in a few years ago. Bring as it was from a rehab center, I found the bird to be quite relaxed around people and managed quite a few sketches along with some photos and various color notes in my notebook etc. When I got back to the studio, I decided to create a portrait of the bird in oils instead of the usual watercolors that I had been using for these kinds of things before. So working on a board that I had given a few coats of gesso, I rubbed in a yellowish-brown color for the background and when it was dry carefully drew in the bird. The plumage was then laid in on layers waiting until the underlying one was dry before adding the next although the large beak was done in one sitting. Most of the long head plumes were tipped with a pale cream creating a beautiful look so these were carefully added last - all this is lost when the bird matures though. I spent quite a bit of time working on the eye being careful to get it right in the hope of bringing the bird 'alive'. In the end I was pleased with most of the portrait but plan on doing another one of these days. Young Eagle is 12" X 9". SOLD.


john said...

A wonderful portrait Jeremy.

Jeremy Pearse said...

Thanks John, for me immature Bald Eagles are far more interesting to paint than the adults - I must do more! I have been fortunate to see them around here a few times and quite near my home - I'm sure you get plenty around where you live too. Amazing birds!