Friday, May 31, 2024



While living in Baltimore, we often walked down to Locust Point and on to Fort McHenry - the scene of an important battle in the war of 1812 when guns from the fort successfully defended the approach to Baltimore harbor from the British warships. I did a lot of painting there as apart from the historical pentagonal fort, there were many wonderful views in and around especially when looking across the water. Here I am standing under shadowed trees looking away from the fort to the distant headland. The effects of light and shade were exciting to explore as an artist and wonderful to paint! Size is 8 x 10 inches, oil on board.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024



Shek O is one of our favorite places to visit on Hong Kong Island. Not only a beautiful beach but many interesting places to explore. This is where most of Hong Kong newly-weds go to take their wedding photos - not surprising really as some of the views from the surrounding rocks are spectacular. There is usually quite a lot of wave action here (and in some of the surrounding beaches) which is a plus for artists like me - rocks, waves and water - a perfect combination. This oil, 8 x 10 inches.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024



It was very misty the other morning so I went out to see if I could find something to paint. At times the mist was so thick I couldn't see much but later it thinned a little and I came across this scene. Here I am looking across an overgrown meadow to a small copse of distant trees. A little creek flows through the middle but is mostly hidden by all the grasses. It is with paintings like this that I find I am beginning to approach something closer to my heart - closer to what I want to say about my life and my love. Oil on gessoed board, size is 8 x 10 inches.

Sunday, May 12, 2024



I had been hoping to get some better reference of a Green Heron as usually they are a little shy and don't allow a close approach. The few times I have been found one nearby, I had been without sketchbook or camera. Fortunately this time was different. I first noticed the bird when it gave its characteristic call in flight just a little way away then it turned and landed out in the open. I slowly walked directly towards the bird stopping every few meters or so while doing a quick sketch etc. Then when I could see the bird wasn't worried about my presence, I slowly moved a little closer.

Amazingly I got to within 2 meters or so and still not much reaction from the bird. I marveled at the plumage in the bright sun especially the almost iridescent green on its back. Still sketching, the bird stretched its neck upwards and appeared to be peering towards the sky - I think there could have been a raptor above but I didn't want to take my eyes off it. Then after a min or so, it shuffled out its plumage and gave a quick shake settling all its feathers back in place again. I think it couldn't quite make out what I was as it then started to display erecting its neck and head feathers.

Then it turned and slowly walked away while keeping its neck stretched upwards. Unfortunately a loud sound nearby frightened it and the heron took flight circling the marsh once before flying off. It was an amazing experience to be so close to a wild bird like this. I did these paintings in my sketch book mostly from my drawings and added watercolor trying to capture its somewhat complicated plumage. They say that all good things come to those who wait, well that was certainly true in this case! Sketchbook size was 12 x 9 inches.

Saturday, May 4, 2024



This is my favorite time of the day! Early morning and the promise of a new day. Here I am in the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge in NJ. The reserve was only a few minutes drive from where I was staying and this scene is looking north along the treeline. To my right are acres of open marsh and I had just missed a very close encounter with a harrier when I saw this but plenty of osprey's along the way made up for it. Since all places are different and each have their own special character, I keep these early paintings small when I work as a way of easing myself into the newness. Once I gain a bit of confidence, I can then start to work larger. This one though is another 8 x 10 inch oil on board.